Gold Price For Last 10 Days in India: 24 Carat and 22 Carat Rates

Gold Price For Last 10 Days in India

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Gold Price For Last 10 Days in India

Check the gold prices for the last 10 days in India. Get updates on 24 Carat and 22 Carat gold rates per gram with daily fluctuations.


Gold Price For Last 10 Days: India, a spot that is known for various social orders and customs, has reliably held an unprecedented preference for gold. Gold, cherished for its undying brilliance and worth, plays an immense part in Indian families, festivities, and theories. Observing gold expenses is principal for those drew in with the gold trade, decorations, or adventure purposes. We ought to plunge into the gold rate all through the past 10 days.

Gold Expenses for the Latest 10 Days:

Date 24 Carat Change 22 Carat Change
5th May ₹71,321 (+₹130) Increase ₹65,330 (+₹119) Increase
4th May ₹71,191 (₹0) No Change ₹65,211 (₹0) No Change
3rd May ₹71,191 (-₹136) Decrease ₹65,211 (-₹125) Decrease
2nd May ₹71,327 (-₹383) Decrease ₹65,336 (-₹350) Decrease
1st May ₹71,710 (₹0) No Change ₹65,686 (₹0) No Change
30th April ₹71,710 (-₹663) Decrease ₹65,686 (-₹608) Decrease
29th April ₹72,373 (-₹75) Decrease ₹66,294 (-₹68) Decrease
28th April ₹72,448 (₹0) No Change ₹66,362 (₹0) No Change
27th April ₹72,448 (₹0) No Change ₹66,362 (₹0) No Change
26th April ₹72,448 (+₹354) Increase ₹66,362 (+₹324) Increase



5th May:

On Sunday, the 5, 2024, gold costs in India saw a slight addition stood out from the prior day. 24 carat gold was assessed at ₹71,321 per gram, signifying a rise of ₹130 from the prior day. Basically, 22 carat gold stayed at ₹65,330 per gram, showing an augmentation of ₹119. This upward design reflects the continuous business area components and monetary benefactor feeling towards gold on this serene Sunday.

4th May:

Saturday, the fourth of May 2024, saw security in gold expenses across India. Both 24 carat and 22 carat gold remained unaltered from the previous day, with costs holding reliable at ₹71,191 and ₹65,211 per gram, independently. This sufficiency shows a sensible market feeling and mirrors the strength of gold as a significant asset in questionable times.

3rd May:

Friday, the third of May 2024, saw a slight dunk in gold costs in India. 24 carat gold saw a decrease of ₹136 per gram, with costs dropping to ₹71,191, while 22 carat gold lessened by ₹125 per gram, staying at ₹65,211. This dropping example reflects the effect of various money related components on the gold market, actuating careful reactions from monetary supporters.

2nd May:

Thursday, the second of May 2024, signified a basic diminishing in gold expenses across India. 24 carat gold experienced a prominent drop of ₹383 per gram, with costs declining to ₹71,327, while 22 carat gold saw a decrease of ₹350 per gram, staying at ₹65,336. This sharp defeat reflects the impact of overall monetary weaknesses and market flimsiness on the important metal.

1st May:

On Wednesday, the first of May 2024, gold costs remained stable in India. Both 24 carat and 22 carat gold stayed aware of their expenses from the previous day, staying at ₹71,710 and ₹65,686 per gram, independently. This trustworthiness gave a sensation of relief to monetary sponsor amidst fluctuating financial circumstances, highlighting gold’s occupation as a strong theory street.

30th April:

Tuesday, the 30th of April 2024, saw a decrease in gold expenses across India. 24 karat gold saw a rot of ₹663 per gram, with costs dropping to ₹71,710, while 22 carat gold lessened by ₹608 per gram, staying at ₹65,686. This plummeting design reflected winning business area sentiments and filled in as an indication of the unusualness natural in the gold market.

29th April:

Monday, the 29th of April 2024, saw a slight decrease in gold costs in India. 24 carat gold experienced a decreasing of ₹75 per gram, with costs dropping to ₹72,373, while 22 carat gold saw a decrease of ₹68 per gram, staying at ₹66,294. This minor change featured the responsiveness of gold expenses for overall money related examples and worldwide new developments.

28th April:

Sunday, the 28th of April 2024, stepped strength in gold expenses across India. Both 24 carat and 22 carat gold stayed aware of their expenses from the previous day, staying at ₹72,448 and ₹66,362 per gram, independently. This sufficiency gave a sensation of sureness to monetary supporters and clients the equivalent, reaffirming gold’s status as a reliable store of critical worth.

27th April:

Saturday, the 27th of April 2024, saw no change of gold costs in India. Both 24 carat and 22 carat gold stayed aware of their expenses from the prior day, staying at ₹72,448 and ₹66,362 per gram, exclusively. This robustness reflected the sensible financial circumstances succeeding by then, offering consistency to those partook in gold-related trades.

26th April:

Friday, the 26th of April 2024, saw an extension in gold expenses across India. 24 carat gold saw a rising of ₹354 per gram, with costs extending to ₹72,448, while 22 carat gold experienced an augmentation of ₹324 per gram, staying at ₹66,362. This upward design highlighted the adaptability of gold as a help against monetary weaknesses, attracting income from monetary patrons searching for sufficiency.

Revealing the Insider realities: What Does the Expense of Gold Depend On?


Gold has for a long while been a picture of wealth, thriving, and strength. However, have you anytime thought about what components influence the expense of this significant metal? In this article, we plunge into the intricacies of the gold market to reveal the fundamental drivers behind its expense changes.

1. Natural market Dynamics

1.1. Gold Mining Production

1.2. Embellishments and Present day Demand

Gold is a restricted resource, and its stock is influenced by factors like mining creation and reusing. On the interest side, gold is sought after for its brightening worth in enhancements and its cutting edge applications in equipment and dentistry.

2. Money related Conditions

2.1. Development and Deflation

2.2. Supporting expenses and Cash related Policy

The expense of gold is a significant part of the time influenced by macroeconomic elements, for instance, extension, breakdown, credit charges, and monetary game plan. Gold is seen as a wall against development and will overall perform well during seasons of monetary weakness.

3. Cash Strength and Exchange Rates

3.1. US Dollar Index

3.2. Cash Fluctuations

Gold is assessed in US dollars on the overall market, so changes in the value of the dollar can basically influence its expense. A more delicate dollar typically prompts higher gold expenses, as it turns out to be more affordable for monetary sponsor holding different money Related guidelines to purchase gold.

4. Worldwide Events

4.1. Political Uncertainty

4.2. Worldwide Tensions

Worldwide events like contentions, conflicts, and political insecurity can drive monetary benefactors to search for safe space assets like gold, inciting extended demand and more prominent expenses.

5. Monetary sponsor Feeling and Speculation

5.1. Adventure Demand

5.2. Speculative Trading

Monetary supporter feeling and speculative trading the possibilities and decisions markets can provoke transient instabilities in the expense of gold. Factors, for instance, monetary patron bet hankering, market assessment, and trading activity can all effect gold expenses.

Uncovering the Privileged insights: What Will Impact Gold Price?


Gold has for quite a while been seen as a picture of wealth, strength, and achievement. Nonetheless, what components influence the expense of this important metal? In this article, we research the various factors that can impact the expense of gold and dive into the intricacies of the gold market.

1. Market revenue Dynamics

1.1. Gold Mining Production

1.2. Embellishments and Current Demand

Gold stock is impacted by factors like mining creation and reusing, while demand comes from organizations like embellishments and equipment. Understanding the concordance among natural market is basic in expecting gold expense advancements.

2. Monetary Conditions

2.1. Extension and Deflation

2.2. Advance expenses and Cash related Policy

Gold is as a rule seen as a wall against development and monetary dubiousness. Changes in funding expenses and cash related approach by public banks can influence the allure of gold as an endeavor.

3. Cash Strength and Exchange Rates

3.1. US Dollar Index

3.2. Cash Fluctuations

Since gold is esteemed in US dollars, changes in cash exchange rates, particularly the strength of the US dollar, can affect the expense of gold on overall business areas.

4. Worldwide Events

4.1. Political Uncertainty

4.2. Worldwide Tensions

Worldwide events like conflicts, wars, and political instability can drive monetary supporters to search for safe space assets like gold, provoking extended demand and more noteworthy expenses.

5. Monetary supporter Assessment and Speculation

5.1. Hypothesis Demand

5.2. Hypothetical Trading

Monetary patron feeling and speculative trading the possibilities and decisions markets can provoke transitory changes in the expense of gold. Market feeling and trading development can affect gold costs the current second.

FAQs (As a rule Asked Questions)

Is gold a safe investment?

Gold is commonly pondered a safe space asset and a wall against extension and monetary weakness. Regardless, like any theory, it conveys bets and may experience cost flightiness.

How does extension impact the expense of gold?

Gold is ordinarily viewed as a help against extension considering the way that its worth will in everyday climb during seasons of high development. Monetary supporters could go to gold as a store of huge worth while the purchasing power of government provided kinds of cash declines.

What is the occupation of public banks in the gold market?

Public banks hold immense stores of gold as a component of their new exchange saves. Changes in public bank exchanging activity can affect the natural market components of the gold market, impacting costs.

How could I anytime put assets into gold?

There are different approaches to placing assets into gold, including buying genuine gold bullion, placing assets into gold exchange traded saves (ETFs), purchasing gold possibilities arrangements, or placing assets into gold mining stocks.

What are a couple of perils related with placing assets into gold?

Bets related with placing assets into gold consolidate cost flightiness, global events, cash instabilities, and changes in monetary sponsor feeling. Monetary benefactors truly should extend their portfolios and lead cautious assessment before placing assets into gold.

 Is gold a fair investment?

Gold is a significant part of the time contemplated a safe space asset and a help against monetary weakness. In any case, like any endeavor, it conveys bets and may experience cost unconventionality.

What is the occupation of public banks in the gold market?

Public banks hold gigantic stores of gold as a component of their new exchange saves. Changes in public bank exchanging development can affect the natural market components of the gold market, impacting costs.

How does worldwide flimsiness impact the expense of gold?

Worldwide events like battles, wars, and political pain can drive monetary sponsor to search for safe space assets like gold, provoking extended demand and more noteworthy expenses.

What are a couple of typical misinterpretations about gold investing?

One ordinary off track judgment is that gold expenses by and large rise during times of monetary struggle. While gold can go probably as a help against extension and financial dubiousness, its expense can in like manner be affected by various components.

How might I anytime at some point put assets into gold?

There are various approaches to placing assets into gold, including buying genuine gold bullion, placing assets into gold exchange traded saves (ETFs), purchasing gold possibilities arrangements, or placing assets into gold mining stocks.

What components influence everyday changes in gold expenses?

Everyday instabilities in gold expenses are influenced by various components, including worldwide market designs, cash exchange rates, global strains, and public bank procedures.

Is it reasonable to follow ordinary gold expenses for hypothesis purposes?

Sometime following everyday gold expenses can give encounters into market designs, Long-stretch theory says that decisions should be established based on concentrated assessment and thought about one’s money-related targets and perilous obstruction.

How should individuals stay revived on regular gold costs in India?

Groups can stay updated on everyday gold costs through various means, including financial news locales, serious gold expenses following applications, and updates from genuine jewel subject matter experts and bullion merchants.


As we study the gold costs all through the past 10 days in India, it becomes obvious that the gold market is subject to consistent differences. Whether you’re a precious stone setter, monetary sponsor, or just intrigued by the financial scene, it is imperative to stay informed about gold expenses. By checking these fluctuations, individuals can make informed decisions with respect to gold-related trades and theories.

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